May 14, 2009

midyear exam

oh shit, exam is onn.....
really sucks lah. but okay la... study a bit, cheat a bit. haha LOL. can't really do stuffs actually, busy like hell man... no fun at all... but as for the weekend coming, fun is coming too. exam's finishing ! ahaaa yeahh. oh, please be quickly. wanna have fun ! go mall, watch Star Trek.. oh ! on wednesday nxt week, got debate against the afternoon session. hmm, i got the points but im kindaa busy can't really focus on it... mall on saturday, horse riding on sunday, studying for maths... no time man, to prepare debate... hmm. some how maybe i can find some time somehow... hope so la ritee.. but whatever it is, wish me luck ;D they're observing me... haha brr.. lala... and OH, 2week holiday is COMING ! yeahh that means FUN. when FUN comes, kuantan comes ! hahah im going back kuantan during the holidayy.. yeahh heads up people.. ;D funfunfun.. wuhooo. but dont be too excited.. trial is coming next.. haha. im scared mann :O

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